
Twelve Characteristics of a Godly Life:

Become a Disciple of Christ. 

Be Conformed to the Image of His Son.


What we do is a direct result of what we are. What we are is determined by our values. Our values determine our character, and our character determines our behavior.






Ask yourself these questions:   “Do the characteristics reflected in my life exemplify the worlds values or those of Christ?”  

“When people spend time with me, do they go away desiring fame, wealth, material possessions, glamour, sexual pleasure or popularity,  just to mention a few, or do they desire to be more like Christ?”

In other words, "What values do they desire as a result of observing my character"?

These twelve characteristics are based on the premise that God has a purpose for each believer as they become a disciple of Christ. God’s purpose is explained in the eighth chapter of Romans, verses 28 and 29,  "…to those who are called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first of many brethren.”


Being a Believer
I know Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior 

Being Empowered
I am controlled and empowered by the Holy Spirit 

Being Victorious
I have Christ’s authority over all of the enemy’s power 

Being a Warrior
I wear all of God’s armor in order to defeat Satan

Being Physically Pure
I belong to God and honor Him with every part of my body

Being Love Motivated
I love my family more than I love myself 

Being Extremely Valued
I know and love who I am in Christ, I am extremely valued 

Being Christ-Actualized
I am Christ-actualized rather than self-actualized

Having a Servants Heart
I serve others I do not expect them to serve me 

Serving Christ in the Workplace
I do my best for God’s glory not man’s

Trusting God’s Provision
I know that God supplies all of my needs according to His riches, not mine 

Living Purposefully
I live Christ’s life on purpose, not by accident



Our Mentoring His Way book series teaches the Twelve Characteristics of a Godly Life