Our Leadership Team
Christian Mentors Network has a strong leadership team working together to bring both ministry and operations skill sets into effective
service for fulfilling the commandment of Christ to “Go and make disciples….”
Meet CMN’s National Training Director, Barry Lynch and his wife Julie. They have two adult children and had a successful paint contracting company for over twenty years before joining CMN full-time on January 1, 2010. Barry was mentored by Roy Comstock in 2007 and has gone on to personally mentor many men through CMN’s mentoring process. He also has established Mentor Training classes in dozens of churches where thousands of men’s lives have been transformed from ordinary men into victorious warriors for Christ. Barry’s Mighty Men Task Force puts on the Recon Day workshops to pull together leaders eager to learn how to disciple men through small groups and one-on-one mentoring relationships. Similarly, Julie has developed Sisters of Strength with leadership teams that hold workshops and train women in local churches to mentor other women. Barry and Julie live in Queen Creek Arizona. Barry oversees the mentor training aspects of CMN. Barry and Julie serve on our Board of Directors.
Our Board of Directors and Ambassadors
Barry Lynch, Julie Lynch, Russ Clark, Charles Fennell, Jason Graham and Al Rubio.
Pastoral Advisors
Jim Herzberg and Ben Cloud
Sarah Comstock