Equipping Christ-Centered Mentors Worldwide.
CMN gives men and women the confidence to lead others.
We do this by equipping men & women with the tools and training necessary to lead others in a deeper walk with Jesus Christ thru one-on-one mentoring relationships that are replicatable. This is directly in line with the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20.
When we started our ministry October 2000, it was called Men in Ministry. We have concentrated on the needs of men for mentoring, discipleship and accountability. We believe strongly in men mentoring and disciplining men, because men have unique needs that must be discussed in confidence with other men. We will always continue on this premise. However, over the years, men asked me "What do you have for my wife?" My answer was, "I don't have anything for your wife - this is a men's ministry." But, as is often the case, God had other plans.
Sarah and I were having lunch after church one Sunday with our daughter, Michelle. She believed that God wanted her to get more involved with women's ministry and felt that the Men in Ministry material, Mentoring His Way - Disciple Twelve, could easily be adapted in order to effectively mentor both men and women. Since that pivotal conversation, she not only helped Roy make the necessary changes to the books, but she developed a Mentor’s Guide to go with each volume. These tools now equip any mature believer to have a mentoring ministry.
As the women's ministry began to grow, it became evident that the name Men in Ministry no longer described the full extent of our ministry. After praying diligently with ministry partners and our Board of Directors, we agreed to change the name to Christian Mentors Network. Mentors are now able to facilitate a ministry of "men mentoring men" or "women mentoring women". The mentoring tools are also used for couples to mentor other couples for both pre-married or in-marriage mentoring.
We use the term "Mentor/Discipler." A Mentor/Discipler is simply a more experienced follower who imparts to another believer the knowledge, skill, and truths to grow in Christ while affecting the believer's character and behavior. We call this process, "Mentor/Discipler Training."
Mentoring is like coaching. In sports, there are several different levels of coaches, such as NFL, Collegiate, High School and Pee Wee, with each coach having a different level of understanding. The same is true in your growth process with Jesus Christ - no matter where you fall in the spectrum of understanding, there is someone you can mentor. Likewise, at each stage of your discipleship journey, you should also find someone who can be your mentor. In this way, you experience untold blessing as you share the difficulties, victories, temptations, and joys of daily growing in Christ with your mentor, not to mention the invaluable perspective offered by one who has faced and overcome many of the same kind of challenges in their faith journey.
At our strategy meeting, CMN President Michael Comstock, helped us collectively grasp what it means to “Give men and women the confidence to lead others.” The increased faith through mentoring God’s Word breaks old chains of the past, bringing encouragement, discernment, perseverance, boldness, maturity, and greater purpose in our lives. When someone has the confidence that they have tools available to be obedient to the Great Commission, then passion and purpose are stirred into action.
ROY & SARAH COMSTOCK – Founders of CMN say,
One of the greatest assets of CMN is the power of duplication of disciples through our systematic approach through the Mentoring His Way three volume series. By the time someone finishes the first book under the direction of their mentor, they are ready and challenged to go and mentor someone else. The disciple is encouraged to go find someone to share what they have already learned. It’s a simple process and easily shared.
That’s what makes the duplication so easy. Paul said it best: “Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.” 2 Timothy 2:2.
Our discipleship ministry is increasing exponentially across our nation and into the world. Please join us in praying that God teaches us how to replicate our process in new ways to continue to build leaders nationally and internationally.
Thank you. Your prayers, financial support and personal involvement keep CMN moving forward.
Until Every Believer is a Disciple Maker,
Dr. Roy L. Comstock
Chairman & Founder
"Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others."
(II Timothy 2:2)